Results - Case Study


How %b Winwinner b% ’s rebranding helped them to build trust and close bigger deals

Financial Services
Company size
Area of effect:
Ghent, Belgium
Our project
  • Branding
  • Messaging & Positioning
  • Design & Development

"The refreshed brand has completely transformed our market presence, enabling us to attract larger companies and close bigger deals and build more trust with investors."

Matthias Browaeys
CEO and founder of Winwinner

Winwinner, a thriving crowdlending platform from Belgium, connects ambitious companies with investors eager for better returns than they achieved through their savings account. Since launching in 2016, they've impressively raised over €55 million for 400 companies. However – their branding didn’t match their success, market position and new ambitions. They needed a rebrand that reflected their growth and professionalism. Next to that they also needed to harmonize their messaging across all platforms, aiming for a cohesive brand experience.


As your business evolves, so should your branding. 

Despite their success, Winwinner faced a crucial challenge: their branding didn’t reflect their ambitions to lead the Belgian crowdlending market. Shifting their focus from small startups to larger SMEs, they needed a more professional, premium image. The DIY look of their logo and website, created in their early days, now hindered their growth. It turned away larger businesses and serious investors. However, appealing to audiences was essential for expansion. And in order to succeed, their dual audience required clear, compelling messaging tailored to each group's needs as well as a cohesive brand experience. So the challenge was clear: Winwinner had to enhance their professional image, optimize their messaging, and harmonize the brand experience.

We always start with setting up the branding foundations

Aiming for a cohesive brand experience, with a professional look and a harmonized messaging across all platforms.

Winwinner partnered with Valued to undertake a strategic brand transformation – and not just a ‘facelift’ of their brand. Through in-depth interviews with top investors and businesses, and a thorough competitor analysis, Valued crafted a new Brand Guide and Message Guide, that would be the basis for their repositioning and rebranding. The focus was clear: trust and clarity without fluff. The rebranding highlighted the human elements of crowdlending, showcasing real success stories and distancing from the cold, number-heavy imagery typical in fintech.

  1. Research: Valued's collaboration with Winwinner began with exhaustive customer and competitor research, gathering insights that would form the backbone of a revamped branding strategy. The discovery process revealed a crucial need for trust over novelty, steering the rebranding efforts towards clarity and reliability rather than innovation and creative flaunting..

  2. Brand & Message Guide: A new Brand Guide and Message Guide were meticulously crafted, elevating Winwinner's identity from grassroots to grandeur while maintaining approachability for small investors. The guides covered everything from mission and vision to practical elements like a refreshed logo, color schemes, and fonts. Importantly, the current strategy was overhauled to highlight the human element of financial investment, focusing on relatable imagery and narratives instead of cold, hard numbers.

  3. Marketing & Website: The rebrand not only enhanced Winwinner's professionalism but also harmonized their messaging across all platforms, achieving a cohesive brand experience. Newly created landing pages and marketing materials now speak effectively to both segments of their audience, supported by detailed guides on crowdlending that boost SEO and build trust.

  4. Platform: We redesigned the UI of Winwinner’s investment platform – not only to create a cohesive brand experience across all channels, but also to improve UX and conversion. Together with the development team, we implemented the new interface. 
"The refreshed brand has completely transformed our market presence, enabling us to attract larger companies and close bigger deals and build more trust with investors."
- Matthias Browaeys, CEO and founder of Winwinner
A selection of the designs we made for the new Winwinner website

The rebranding resulted in greater efficiency and profitability

This strategic rebrand resulted in a 43% increase in qualified leads and more efficient fundraising, achieving 29% more funding with fewer projects. The redesigned website and brand messaging also resonated with a broader investor base, leading to a 31% increase in investor sign-ups.

  • A 43% increase in inbound sales-qualified leads, indicating a stronger attraction of their ideal SME clientele.
  • Fundraising effectiveness increased massively, with a whopping 29% increase in capital raised through 18% fewer projects, showcasing greater efficiency and profitability.
  • The revamped investor platform, optimized for user experience, drew 31% more investors on a significantly reduced budget.

Winwinner’s rebranding was not just a facelift but a strategic move.

Winwinner’s rebranding was not just a facelift but a strategic move that positioned them as a leader in the crowdlending market, appealing to both high-profile businesses and new investors. By prioritizing clarity, trust, and a human-centric approach, Winwinner and Valued have redefined what it means to be a leader in the crowdlending space. This rebranding aligns Winwinner's image with its new market goals, showcasing the power of a strategic (re)branding to unlock new opportunities.

Ready to elevate your brand to meet your ambitions? Reach out to see how we can transform your company’s image for strategic growth.

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